Singapore 4 Star Hotel

IAQ Test Results from ALS laboratory

Buildings in Singapore have a lot of IAQ issues. Due to the high level of extremely well-sealed construction, bacteria, mould, microorganisms and odours can and do build up quickly.

A 4 Star hotel in Singapore was experiencing serious odour, and bacteria level problems. They had tried scenting, and chemicals which did not resolve the problem.

We installed 1 ProMedUSA+AtmosAir model SG-508F in the aircon duct serving the guest lounge and the hotel hired ALS Laboratory Group to do a before and after (2 weeks later) IAQ test.

The results showed that the space ionized by AtmosAir had total bacterial count levels 86% lower, Particulate Matter and Dust were 45% and 35% lower, and the odours were gone.

Where before the bacteria levels were above the Singapore IAQ standard, after 2 weeks, the levels dropped to 1/7th of this standard.