The Dallas Cowboys Star
Training Center

The Dallas Cowboys initially installed AtmosAir on a trial basis in their locker room area to reduce dangerous airborne bacteria and allergens including Staph and MRSA

The initial trial was so successful, the team owners installed AtmosAir throughout the entire 100,000 square foot training facility including the coaches's offices, rehab areas, meeting rooms and administrative areas. AtmosAir was also installed in the newly designed Dallas Training Center in Frisco, Texas.

Trainers, players and staff-unaware of the new AtmosAir Installation- commented on the improved air quality.

Trainers distributed fewer medicines for hay fever and allergy symptoms. No MRSA or H1N1 Flu have been reported since AtmosAir was installed.

In addition, the energy savings from the AtmosAir Installation were enough
to recover the entire system cost.